I've just started this Blog to express my love and interest for a lot of cool vintage stuff.
With stuff I mean:
- Vintage gameconsoles
- Vintage sneakers
- Vintage audio equipment
- Old school bmx bikes
- Vintage (aircooled) VW's
- etc. etc..
There's a lot of cool stuff out there I want to share with you.
A lot of it is inspired by childhood memories.
You will see stuff I owned as a kid or wanted to have as a kid.
You will see stuff I still want to have or even better....still have.
Adult ? Kid ? Pfff.......:)
Most stuff seems to be from the 80-s.
Ofcourse my love for old vw's will be highlighted as well.
Being involved in the HipHop scene since day 1 you can expect to see music related stuff too.
Ofcourse I'm always searching for more stuff so ...You know where to find me :)
Just keep checking this Blog as I will try to take you down to memory lane.
Thanx for the interest !